Friday, January 23, 2009

You can save a life for $25

If you could save a life for a few bucks would you? If you could save two lives for $25 would you do it? If it was tax deductible and you could win a truck, LCD TV or iPod would you do it? $25 isn't much but it might be enough to save a life or two.

A family friend is Executive Director of a pregnancy resource center and their ultra-sound machine is dying. She shared with me a shocking statistic: 98% of teens who are considering abortion change their mind after seeing an ultrasound of their baby.

However you feel about a woman's right to choose, the truth is it is the mother's choice and the more women who choose life save at least one life. And there are many couple waiting for a chance to adopt a baby, and that is a happy outcome as well. Every woman I know who underwent an abortion procedure came to regret it later, in some way. It is a difficult experience for all involved and the pain can last for years.

So how can your $25 help? You can enter a raffle and gain a tax deduction in the process. This weekend I'll spend time making up a web site and mailer for the Center. We got the idea for the car raffle after hearing Hugh Hewitt promote one on his radio show for a charity in Orange County. If you know someone who can help publicize this or you want to receive the email invitation and send it on to your family and friends, please drop me a note at and I'll respond with the letter when it is ready and a link to the Web site.

If you are reading this blog then you are witnessing the birth of an idea, and it may result in a lifesaving ultrasound machine for a worthy charity. Please pass on the message and check back here for more information