Apparently, Kurt Streeter and the L.A. Times have seen enough! This typical mainstream opinion pieces is full of the bigotry and cluelessness we have come to expect from the L.A. Times when they address “sensitive issues” like evangelical Christianity. Packed with whining, vitriol, allusions to evolution and at least one reference to student athletes praying that labels this act “holy war,” Streeter’s ignorance of how and why Christians pray is striking. But his preference is clear: It should stop!
Could this be the same L.A. Times that praised the Muslim basketball player who refused to stand for the National Anthem? I’m sure it is. So why doers Streeter single out Christian athletes and their prayers? Because he has a narrow view and he wants you to share it.
You see, the gist of his article is a complaint that there are so many things God has to worry about, and so many serious issues requiring His attention that He doesn’t have time for your stupid pleas for strength or “a win” as Streeter puts it, and He can’t be bothered to hear your thanks. Streeter’s whole premise rests on the assumption that the only time athletes pray is when they are on national television and you are watching.
Of course, and practicing Christian knows that we are to have an “attitude of prayer” throughout the day. And we are to give thanks to God continuously. And maybe Streeter doesn’t know it, but Tebow and many athletes thank God every day – maybe every hour – for the physical gifts He has given them. During the brief time that the camera is trained on them, they give the same thanks to God, but the audience is larger. Mainstream Media sometimes has a problem in assuming that they make the story instead of just report it.
Finally, about the headline the Times assigned Streeter’s story: In this Spirited Debate, He Wins! I really had hope of a balanced article upon seeing the headline and the photo of Tebow with John 3:16. But the slant was completely opposite to the headline (as many are in the L.A. Times). So, if you have any complaints about my headline to this post, just access your sense of irony, the same one you use to filter the headlines in the Times.
* It shouldn’t be hard to find one lying about in SoCal if you drive down any suburban street today. Many “subscribers” don’t bother to collect them.