Friday, January 16, 2009

The Best Cure for Hiccups

This has nothing to do with marketing, culture or politics. It has to do with helping people live better lives. And I'm giving away the secret for free! Because it works. And I'm a helpful giving person. This has worked every time (100%) I led someone else through it and always for myself.

1. Exhale completely, even more so than you think you can.
2. Inhale deeply two more times, immediately exhale completely each time.
3. Inhale deeply and hold your breath. Keep holding!
4. When you feel you can no longer hold your breath, breathe in a little more to extend your time.
5. Repeat if necessary, and it usually takes only one to two cycles to completely stop hiccuping.

Note about children: Step 3 is difficult for kids because for some reason they hear "inflate your cheeks" when you tell them "hold your breath" so you may need to explain the concept of inflating their luings with demonstrative repetition and showing them how your chest expands when you actually inhale. Still the system does work for kids too!

After doing some research I see there are some people who have a similar method, but the one above is a bit simpler and easier to coax children into performing correctly. This was developed by trial and error and until I began typing this post, I was unaware anyone else had used this method. That's because mine predates the existence of the internet.