Of all the conspiracy theories one could waste time on, the fretting and arguing over Barack Obama's citizenship is the dumbest. Even if he was born in Kenya or Indonesia, he is an American citizen because his mother was. So whether or not you "believe" the Hawaiian facsimile or not, it doesn't matter. If you are born of American parents -- or even just an American mother -- you are an American. Go ahead, ask a lawyer about that.
For example, if a US citizen is traveling in France and gives birth, the baby is not French. It is a US citizen. There are some countries that will confer dual citizenship, such as happened to friends of mine in South America when their parents where in the peace Corps. But still, being born of Americans they are American. But wait, you say, what about Mexican "anchor babies?" This is a strange interpretation of the Constitution that was invented by Democrats and rarely applies to immigrants other than Latinos crossing our southern border.
And it's not reciprocal. Try having a baby in Guadalajara and see if their government will claim it a s a citizen and give it welfare. In the end, the Birthers, like the psycho Truthers who think somehow the fumbling American government pulled off some grand conspiracy to take down the twin towers -- and got away with it despite thousands of people trying to prove it so -- will not let facts and the evidence in plain sight sway their opinion.